Chủ Nhật, 21 tháng 7, 2024

Talking about Countries - Canada


Blizzard (n) /ˈblɪzərd/
Schools closed early due to the blizzard.

Chinook (n) /ʃɪˈnuːk/
The Chinook wind brought warmer temperatures.

Humid (adj) /ˈhjuːmɪd/
The air is very humid in Toronto during the summer.

Precipitation (n) /prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃən/
Canada experiences different types of precipitation throughout the year.

Foggy (adj) /ˈfɔːɡi/
Be careful driving; it's very foggy this morning.

Drizzle (v) /ˈdrɪzl/
It's only drizzling; we can still go for a bike ride.

Drought (n) /draʊt/
The drought has affected crop production in the region.

Sunny (adj) /ˈsʌni/
Vancouver enjoys many sunny days in the summer.

Mild (adj) /maɪld/
The west coast has a milder climate than the rest of Canada.

Traditional Clothes:

Mukluks (n) /ˈmʌklʊks/
Inuit people wear mukluks to keep their feet warm in the Arctic.

Ceintures fléchées (n) /sɛ̃.tyʁ fle.ʃe/
The ceinture fléchée is a colorful sash traditionally worn by men.

Cowichan Sweater (n) /ˈkaʊɪtʃən ˈswɛtər/
Cowichan sweaters are known for their unique designs and warmth.

Tignon (n) /tiˈnjɔ̃/
The tignon is a type of headscarf with historical significance.

Beaded Moccasins (n) /ˈbiːdɪd ˈmɒkəsɪnz/
Indigenous peoples have been crafting beautiful beaded moccasins for generations.

Crisp (adj) /krɪsp/
It's a crisp autumn day, perfect for a walk in the park.

Poutine (n) /puːˈtiːn/
Poutine is a popular Canadian dish made with fries, cheese curds, and gravy.

Butter Tart (n) /ˈbʌtər tɑːrt/
Butter tarts are small, sweet pastries filled with a gooey filling.

Maple Syrup (n) /ˈmeɪpl ˈsɪrəp/
Canada is world-renowned for its delicious maple syrup, made from maple tree sap.

Nanaimo Bar (n) /nəˈnaɪmoʊ bɑːr/
A Nanaimo bar is a no-bake dessert with layers of chocolate, custard, and coconut.

Tourtière (n) /tuʁ.tjɛʁ/
Tourtière is a savory meat pie often served during the holiday season.

Famous Attractions:

Niagara Falls (n) /naɪˈæɡrə fɔːlz/
Niagara Falls is a spectacular natural wonder attracting visitors from all over the world.

CN Tower (n) /ˌsiːˈɛn ˈtaʊər/
The CN Tower in Toronto offers breathtaking views of the city.

Banff National Park (n) /bænf ˈnæʃənəl pɑːrk/
Banff National Park in the Rocky Mountains is famous for its stunning scenery.

Parliament Hill (n) /ˈpɑːrləmənt hɪl/
Parliament Hill in Ottawa is home to Canada's Parliament buildings.

Bay of Fundy (n) /beɪ əv ˈfʌndi/
The Bay of Fundy is known for having the highest tides in the world.

Traditional Ceremonies:

Pow Wow (n) /ˈpaʊ waʊ/
Pow Wows are vibrant celebrations of Indigenous culture featuring dancing, singing, and drumming.

Part 2: Guessing Game

  1. This severe snowstorm can bring strong winds and reduce visibility to almost zero. (Blizzard)

  2. This warm wind can cause rapid temperature changes, especially in mountainous regions. (Chinook)

  3. When the air feels thick and damp, it is described as this. (Humid)

  4. This refers to any form of water that falls from the sky: rain, snow, sleet, or hail. (Precipitation)

  5. This word describes the air on a cool, refreshing autumn day. (Crisp)

  6. You might need to use your car's fog lights when it is this kind of weather. (Foggy)

  7. When it's just a light rain, you might say it's doing this. (Drizzling)

  8. This can occur when there is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall. (Drought)

  9. We all hope for these kinds of days when we go on vacation. (Sunny)

  10. This describes weather that is pleasantly warm, neither too hot nor too cold. (Mild)

  11. These warm boots are traditionally worn by Inuit people in the Arctic. (Mukluks)

  12. This colourful sash is a part of traditional men's clothing. (Ceintures fléchées)

  13. These warm sweaters are known for their unique patterns and are often handmade. (Cowichan Sweater)

  14. This type of headscarf has cultural and historical significance. (Tignon)

  15. These shoes are often beautifully decorated with beads and are an important part of Indigenous culture. (Beaded Moccasins)

  16. This popular Canadian dish is made with fries, cheese curds, and gravy. (Poutine)

  17. This sweet treat is a small pastry filled with a buttery, gooey filling. (Butter Tart)

  18. This sweet syrup is made from maple tree sap and is a beloved Canadian product. (Maple Syrup)

  19. This no-bake dessert bar has layers of chocolate, custard, and coconut. (Nanaimo Bar)

  20. This savory meat pie is a traditional dish often enjoyed during the holidays. (Tourtière)

Part 3: Questions

  1. What are some common types of weather in different parts of Canada?

  2. What kind of weather might you experience in Vancouver?

  3. What kind of clothing do people wear in Canada to stay warm in the winter?

  4. What are the main ingredients in poutine?

  5. What makes Canadian maple syrup so special?

  6. What is a Nanaimo bar, and what are its layers?

  7. Where are Niagara Falls located?

  8. What is the tallest structure in Canada, and where is it located?

  9. What can you see and do in Banff National Park?

  10. What kind of weather would you expect in Canada during the summer?

  11. Would you need to pack warm clothes for a trip to Canada in December? Why or why not?

  12. Which Canadian food would you like to try? Why?

  13. What Canadian attraction do you find most interesting and why?

  14. What do you find interesting about Canadian traditional ceremonies?

  15. What are some things you already know about Canada?

  16. Would you like to visit Canada someday? Why or why not?

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