Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 1, 2021

Airport Topic!

 Airport vocabularies

At the airport

Airfare /ˈerfer/
Ticket/ plane ticket/ airline ticket

to book a ticket
Return ticket
One way ticket
Round trip
Arrival / arrivals

Departure time / departures

Baggage / luggage /ˈlʌɡɪdʒ/
Baggage claim

to board
Boarding pass

Boarding time
Carry-on / hand luggage / cabin baggage

Checked baggage/luggage

Fragile (adj) /ˈfrædʒl/

Domestic (flight)
Identification = ID /aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/

International (flight)
Overbooked (adj)

Runway /ˈrʌnweɪ/

Trolley /ˈtrɑːli/

to check in
Check in counter/ desk

Waiting area/ lounge = departure lounge

Metal detector/ˈmetl dɪtektər/


Duty-free shop

Control tower

Cabin crew

Immigration officer
Custom officer
Overweight baggage/ oversized baggage/ excess baggage
Baggage allowance
Overweight fee
Shuttle (bus)/ˈʃʌtl/

Liquids /ˈlɪkwɪd/

Travel agent
Security check
Restroom/ toilet/ wc/ washroom/ cr (comfort room)...
to declare
to drop off
to pick up
to transit
to delay
to layover / stopover
delayed (adj)

On the plane
aisle /aɪl/

Aisle seat
Business class


Cockpit /ˈkɑːkpɪt/

Co-pilot /ˈkoʊ paɪlət/

Emergency exits

Business class
Economy class
Life vest/ life jacket

Overhead bin / overhead compartment/ overhead locker

Oxygen mask

Pilot /ˈpaɪlət/


Flight attendant /ˈflaɪt ətendənt/

to take off

to land / to touch down

Window seat

A galley /ˈɡæli/

A tray-table

to fasten your seatbelt
to unfasten your seatbelt
Jet lag




Part 1:
Check in conversation at the Airport

Passenger check-in officer: Good morning, Sir/ Madam! Can I see your ticket/ booking confirmation and passport please?

Passenger: Certainly. Here you are/ here it is

Yes, of course. There you are.

Passenger check-in officer/ check in attendant: Where are you flying today?

Passenger: To Tokyo/ Seoul/ Los Angeles/ Manila/ Bangkok/ Singapore...

Check in officer: Okay, thank you. Do you have any checked in luggage, Sir/ Ma’am?/

Are you checking any bags?

Passenger: No, thank you. I have only a Carry-On luggage/

Yes, I have.

Check in officer: How many suitcases/ bags will you check in?

Passenger: Only one bag/ Just one suitcase/ 2 bags...

Check in officer: Did you pack your bag yourself?

Passenger: Yes, I did.

Check in officer: Do you have any electrical goods or liquids?

Passenger: I have a hairdryer/ power bank/laptop charger... in my hand luggage.

Check in officer: That’s fine. So, nothing else in your suitcase/ bag, Sir/ Madam?

Passenger: No.

Check in officer: Put your suitcase here please/ Please place your bags on the scale

Passenger: Here you go.

Check in officer: Okay. Would/ Do you like a window or an aisle seat, Sir/ Ma’am?

Passenger: A window seat please.

Check in officer: Okay. This is your passport and boarding pass Sir/Madam. Your flight departs from gate 32 and your seat number is 10A. Boarding time is 12:30pm. Enjoy your flight.

Passenger: Ok, thank you. Have a good day. Goodbye.

Practice! Practice! Practice:

Situation 1:

Your luggage is overweight and you need to remove some stuff from your luggage or else you must pay for the fee.

Situation 2:

You have some fragile souvenirs in your luggage/ suitcase.

Part 2: On the plane conversation!

Short conversation 1:

Flight attendant: Excuse me, sir. Can you turn off your phone and mobile devices. We’re preparing for takeoff.

Passenger: Yes, I’m sorry.

Flight attendant: Also, please fasten your seat belt.

Passenger: Okay

Short conversation 2:

Flight attendant: Would you like the beef, the chicken or the fish?

Passenger: I’ll take the chicken, please

Flight attendant: And can I get you something to drink?

Passenger: What kind of drinks do you have?

Flight attendant: We have coffee, tea, juice, coke and beer

Passenger: Yes, I’ll have a coke please.

Flight attendant: Yes, sir. Here you are

Passenger: Thank you

Short conversation 3:

Flight attendant: Excuse me, may I go through?

Passenger: Sure

Flight attendant: Thanks

Passenger: Excuse me, where is the lavatory?

Flight attendant: This way

Passenger: Thanks.

Short conversation 4:

Passenger: Could I get a blanket please? I’m a little cold

Flight attendant: Sure. Would you like to have one or two?

Passenger: I think one will be enough.

Flight attendant: Alright. Anything else?

Passenger: No. That’ll be all. Thank you.

Flight attendant: You’re welcome. I’ll be right back with your blanket.

Short conversation 5:

Passenger: Excuse me, how long will it take to reach Los Angeles?

Flight attendant: It’s a long journey. We still have 6 hours before landing

Passenger: Will be there any snacks before we land?

Flight attendant: Yes, another meal will be served in 3 hours, but I can get you a small snack now, if you like.

Passenger: Yes, that would be great.

Flight attendant: No problem. I’ll be back in a moment with your snack.

Passenger: Thank you

Short conversation 6:

Passenger: Do you sell tax - free goods on the flight?

Flight attendant: Of course, you can see the catalogue for our in flight shop

Passenger:This one?

That’s it

Flight attendant: Would you like to order any duty free goods?

Passenger: Yes please. Can I pay by credit card?

Flight attendant:Yes, all major credit cards are accepted but purchases must not exceed $500

Passenger: Okay, I’d like this one please

Flight attendant: Sure, thank you.

Short conversation 7:

Flight attendant: Anyone need arrival/declaration cards?

Passenger: Yes, please

Flight attendant: How many arrival/declaration cards do you need?

Passenger: Two, please

Flight attendant: Here you go. Need a pen?

Passenger: No. Thanks

Flight attendant: Remember it should be filled out using black ink.

Passenger: Okay. Thanks a lot.

Part 3:
Custom & Immigration conversation


Arrival card

Purpose (noun) /ˈpɜːrpəs/

Business conference /ˈkɑːnfərəns/

Exchange school /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ/

To be on vacation /veɪˈkeɪʃn/

Ex: She’s on vacation.

Occupation (noun) /ˌɑːkjuˈpeɪʃn/

Profession (noun) /prəˈfeʃn/ - professional (adj)

Acquaintance (noun) /əˈkweɪntəns/

Currently (adv) /ˈkɜːrəntli/ = at present = now

To intend = to plan

To declare

Currency (noun) /ˈkɜːrənsi/


Custom/ Immigration officer: May I see your passport and arrival card please?

Passenger: Here it is/ Here you are/ Here you go

Custom/ Immigration officer: What’s the purpose of your visit?


a/ Business:

I’m here for a business conference

I’m here on a business trip

b/ Study

I’m here to go to an Exchange school

I’m here to study English for a month

c/ Travel

I’m here on vacation.

Custom/ Immigration officer: What do you do?/ What’s your occupation?/ What’s your profession?/ What do you do for a living?

Passenger: I’m a teacher/ a doctor/ an engineer/ a student...

Custom/ Immigration officer: Where do you work?

Passenger: I work in a local high school/ a hospital in my hometown...

Custom/ Immigration officer: Are you traveling alone?

Passenger: Yes, I’m alone/

No, I’m not. I’m traveling with my brother/ sister/ parents/ husband/ colleagues/ bf/ gf...

Custom/ Immigration officer: Do you have any family/ acquaintances here/ in the United States?/

Do you know anyone else currently in the USA?

Passenger: No, I don’t/ Nope/ No.

Yes, I do. I have a cousin/ sister/ uncle who lives here*

Custom/ Immigration officer: Do you plan to work during your stay?/

Are you planning to work while you are here?

Passenger: No, I don’t/

I will be attending meetings and conferences in Los Angeles.

Custom/ Immigration officer: Have you ever been here before?/

Is it your first visit to the USA?

Passenger: No, this is my first time here.

Yes, in 2010/ about 2 weeks ago/ last year

Custom/ Immigration officer: Where will you be staying?/ What is the address of your hotel?

Passenger: I’m staying at Blue Ocean hotel in Los Angeles

Custom/ Immigration officer: How long do you intend/plan to stay?/ How long will you be staying?

Passenger: For a week/ a month/ 2 weeks/ 2 months/

I’m staying for 3 weeks and leaving on the 19th.

Custom/ Immigration officer: How much currency are you carrying with you?

Passenger: US$5,000

Custom/ Immigration officer: Do you have anything to declare?

Passenger: No, I don’t have anything to declare.

Custom/ Immigration officer: Enjoy your stay

Passenger: Thank you

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