Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 12, 2020

Introduce yourself!

1. What's your name?
My name is...(Thu)
My name's... (Thu)
2. How do you spell your name?
(T - H - U)
3. Do you have an English name?
Yes/ No
4. What's your English name?
5. How do you spell your English name?
T - R - A - C - Y
6. How old are you?
Thirteen /ˌθɜːrˈtiːn/
Twenty /ˈtwenti/
A/ One hundred
7. What do you do?
= What do you do for a living?

I'm an accountant /əˈkaʊntənt/

I'm an actor /actress /ˈæktər/ - /ˈæktrəs/

I'm an architect /ˈɑːrkɪtekt/

I'm an author /ˈɔːθər/

I'm a baker /ˈbeɪkər/

I'm a bus/ taxi driver /bʌs ˈdraɪvər/

I'm a carpenter /ˈkɑːrpəntər/

I'm a chef/cook /ʃef/ - /kʊk/

I'm a cleaner /ˈkliːnər/

I'm a dentist /ˈdentɪst/

I'm a designer /dɪˈzaɪnər/

I'm a doctor /ˈdɑːktər/

I'm an electrician /ɪˌlekˈtrɪʃn/

I'm an engineer /ˌendʒɪˈnɪr/

I'm a factory worker /ˈfæktəri ˈwɜːrkər/

I'm a farmer /ˈfɑːrmər/

I'm a fire fighter / ˈfaɪəˈfaɪtər/

I'm a fisherman /ˈfɪʃərmən/

I'm a florist /ˈflɔːrɪst/

I'm a gardener /ˈɡɑːrdnər/

I'm a journalist /ˈdʒɜːrnəlɪst/

I'm a lawyer /ˈlɔːjər/

I'm a mechanic /məˈkænɪk/

I'm a model /ˈmɑːdl/

I'm a nurse /nɜːrs/

I'm a painter /ˈpeɪntər/

I'm a pharmacist /ˈfɑːrməsɪst/

I'm a photographer /fəˈtɑːɡrəfər/

I'm a pilot /ˈpaɪlət/

I'm a plumber /ˈplʌmər/

I'm a politician /ˌpɑːləˈtɪʃn/

I'm a police officer /pəˈliːs ɑːfɪsər/

I'm a postman /ˈpoʊstmən/

I'm a real estate agent /ˈriːəl əsteɪt eɪdʒənt/

I'm a receptionist /rɪˈsepʃənɪst/

I'm a scientist /ˈsaɪəntɪst/

I'm a secretary /ˈsekrəteri/

I'm a shop assistant /ˈʃɑːp əsɪstənt/

I'm a soldier /ˈsoʊldʒər/

I'm a tailor /ˈteɪlər/

I'm a taxi driver /ˈtæksi ˈdraɪvər /

I'm a student /ˈstuːdnt/

I'm a teacher of English (# English teacher) /ˈtiːtʃər/

I'm a translator /trænsˈleɪtər/

I'm an interpreter /ɪnˈtɜːrprətər/

I’m a travel agent /ˈtrævl eɪdʒənt/

I’m a vet /vet/

I’m a waiter/waitress /ˈweɪtər/ - /ˈweɪtrəs/

i’m a therapist /ˈθerəpɪst/

i’m a barber/ a hairdresser /ˈbɑːrbər/ - /ˈherdresər /

i’m a housewife /ˈhaʊswaɪf/

i’m a saleslady/ sales person/ salesman /seɪlzˈleɪdi/ /seɪlzˈpɜːrsn/ /ˈseɪlzmən/

i’m a businessperson/ businesslady/ businessman /ˈbɪznəsˈpɜːrsn/ /ˈbɪznəsˈleɪdi/

i’m a teller /ˈtelər/

i’m an assistant /əˈsɪstənt/

i’m an auditor /ˈɔːdɪtər/

i’m a diver /ˈdaɪvər/

i’m a tour guide /tʊr gaid/

i’m a dancer /ˈdænsər/

i’m a singer /ˈsɪŋər/

8. Where (are) you from? 


Where are you from? or Where you from?


I’m from...

Brunei /bruːˈnaɪ/

Cambodia /kamˈbəʊdɪə/

East Timor /iːst ˈtiːmɔː/

Indonesia /ˌɪndəˈniːʒə/

Laos /laʊs/

Malaysia /məˈleɪʒə/

Myanmar /mjanˈmɑː/

The Philippines /ˈfɪlɪpiːnz/

Singapore /ˌsɪŋəˈpɔː/

Thailand /ˈtaɪ.lən/

Vietnam /vjɛtˈnam/
9. How many people (are there) in your family?
10. Who are they?
They are:
my mother = my mom = my mommy
/ˈmʌðər/ /mɑːm/ /ˈmɑːmi/
my father = my dad = my daddy
/ˈfɑːðər/ /dæd/ /ˈdædi/
my older brother/ sister
/oʊld/ /ˈbrʌðər/ /ˈsɪstər/
my younger brother/ sister
/ˈjʌŋɡər/ /ˈbrʌðər/ /ˈsɪstər/
my brother/ sister in law
/ˈbrʌðər/ / /ˈsɪstər/ /ɪn / /lɔː/
my mother/ father in law
/ˈmʌðər/ / /maɪ//ˈfɑːðər/ /ɪn / /lɔː/
my step mother/ father
/step / /ˈmʌðər/ / /ˈfɑːðər/
my niece /niːs/
my nephew /ˈnefjuː /
my uncle /ˈʌŋkl/
my aunt = my auntie /ænt/ - /ˈænti/
my grand mom/ my grand mother
/ɡrænd mɑːm/ /ɡrænd ˈmʌðər/
my grand dad/ my grand father
/ɡrænd dæd/ - /ɡrænd//ˈfɑːðər/
my parents /ˈperənts/
daughter /ˈdɔːtər/
son /sʌn/
wife /waɪf/
husband /ˈhʌzbənd/
11. May I ask you some personal questions?
Yes/ No
12. Do you have a girl friend/ boy friend?
13. Are you single/ married?
14. Do you have any children/ kids?
15. How many children (kids) do you have?

How much do you weigh?


How much do you weigh?


>>I weigh 50 kgs

>>50 kgs

P/s: kg /ˈkɪləɡræm/

How tall are you?


How tall are you?


>>I’m 160 cms tall

>>160 cms

P/s: cm = centimetre /ˈsentɪmiːtər/

What’s your date of birth? - When were you born? - When is your birthday?

I/ Date of birth (DOB)

1/ When is your birthday? (The most popular way)

>> It’s on February 14th.

2/ What’s your date of birth?

>> It’s on February 14th, 1990

3/ When were you born?

>> I was born on February 14th, 1990

II/ Days of the week:

Monday /ˈmʌndeɪ/

Tuesday /ˈtuːzdeɪ/

Wednesday /ˈwenzdeɪ/

Thursday /ˈθɜːrzdeɪ/

Friday /ˈfraɪdeɪ/

Saturday /ˈsætərdeɪ/

Sunday /ˈsʌndeɪ/

III/ Months of the year:

  1. January /ˈdʒænjueri/ - 31 days
  2. February /ˈfebrueri/ - 28 days in a common year and 29 days in leap years
  3. March /mɑːrtʃ/ - 31 days
  4. April /ˈeɪprəl/ - 30 days
  5. May /meɪ/ - 31 days
  6. June /dʒuːn/ - 30 days
  7. July /dʒuˈlaɪ/ - 31 days
  8. August /ɔːˈɡʌst/ - 31 days
  9. September /sepˈtembər/ - 30 days
  10. October /ɑːkˈtoʊbər/ - 31 days
  11. November /noʊˈvembər/ - 30 days
  12. December /dɪˈsembər/ - 31 days


First -> 1st

Second -> 2nd

Third -> 3rd

Fifth -> 5th


When is your birthday?

on May 2nd

on August 1st

on March 5th

on October 3rd
How do you go to school/ work?
Question: how do you go to/ travel...
the coffee shop /ˈkɔːfi ʃɑːp/

the supermarket /ˈsuːpərmɑːrkɪt/

local market /ˈloʊkl mɑːrkɪt/

flea market /fliː mɑːrkɪt/

floating market /ˈfloʊtɪŋ mɑːrkɪt/

bookstore/ bookshop /ˈbʊkstɔːr/ /ˈbʊkʃɑːp/

school /skuːl/

Saigon/ Nha Trang/ Ha Noi/ Singapore/ Thailand/ England/ Germany...
My English class

the post office /ˈpoʊst ɑːfɪs/

by bus /bʌs/

by train /treɪn/

by plane /pleɪn /

by taxi /ˈtæksi/

by sleeper bus /ˈsliːpər bʌs/

by bike /baɪk/

i walk to school/ work/ to the beach…
by scooter /ˈskuːtər/ (auto scooter/ semi auto scooter/ manual scooter)

by electric bike
by car
by motorbike /ˈmoʊtərbaɪk/



1/ How long does it take you from Mui Ne to Sai Gon?
(How long from Mui Ne to Sai Gon?)
2/ How long does it take you to your English class?
(How long from your home to your English class by scooter?)
3/ How long does it take you to work?
4/ How long does it take you from Saigon to Hanoi?
5/ How long does it take you to the supermarket?
6/ How long does it take you to Phan Thiet local market?


30 minutes
45 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours and a half
4 hours and 15 minutes

Topic: Introduction - basic questions & answers in daily conversation!

1/ What’s your name?

2/ How do you spell your name?

3/ Do you have an English name?

4/ What’s your English name?

5/ How do you spell your English name?

6/ Where are you from?

7/ How old are you?

8/ How many people/ members in your family?

9/ Who are they?

10/ What’s your mother’s name?

11/ How do you spell your mother’s name?

12/ What do you do?

13/ May i ask you a personal question?

14/ Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend?

15/ Are you married/ single?

16/ Do you have any kid?

17/ How many kids do you have?

18/ How much do you weigh?

19/ How tall are you?

20/ When is your birthday?

21/ How do you go to school/ work/ the local market/ Saigon...?

22/ How long does it take you to school/ the super market/ train station...?

23/ Do you have a FB account?/ Are you on FB?/ Do you use FB?

FB/ Instagram/ Viber/ WhatsApp/Skype...

24/ What’s your phone number?/ May i have your phone number?

How do you feel?

I feel bored /bɔːrd/

I feel scared /skerd/

I feel angry /ˈæŋɡri/

I feel happy /ˈhæpi/

I feel good /ɡʊd/

I feel bad /bæd/

I feel full /fʊl/

I feel hungry /ˈhʌŋɡri/

I feel sleepy /ˈsliːpi/

Video link:

II/ Question: How do you feel?

Responses: I’m + adj

I’m happy /ˈhæpi/

I’m sad /sæd/

I’m angry /ˈæŋɡri/

I’m surprised /sərˈpraɪzd/

I’m scared /skerd/

I’m bored /bɔːrd/

I’m interested /ˈɪntrəstɪd/

I’m disgusted /dɪsˈɡʌstɪd/

I’m excited /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/

I’m confused /kənˈfjuːzd/

I’m confident /ˈkɑːnfɪdənt/

I’m shy /ʃaɪ/

I’m shocked /ʃɑːkt/

I’m frustrated /ˈfrʌstreɪtɪd/

I’m mischievous /ˈmɪstʃɪvəs/

I’m embarrassed /ɪmˈbærəst/

I’m suspicious /səˈspɪʃəs/

I’m ashamed /əˈʃeɪmd/

I’m jealous /ˈdʒeləs/

I’m furious /ˈfjʊriəs/

I’m guilty /ˈɡɪlti/

I’m frightened /ˈfraɪtnd/

I’m hopeful /ˈhoʊpfl/

Greeting in English!

1/ Hi



2/ Hey



3/ Hello



4/ Howdy



5/ How are you?


>>I’m fine

>>Good/ Pretty good

>>Not bad

>>So so

6/ How are you doing


>>I’m fine

>>Good/ Pretty good

>>Not bad

>>So so

7/ How’s it going?



>>Good/ Pretty good

>>Not bad

>>So so

8/ What’s up?


>>Not much

>>Nothing much

>>What’s up!

9/ Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening!

Or simply: mornin/ afternoon/ evenin!


(Good) morning/ afternoon/ evening

Or: mornin/ afternoon/ evenin!

10/ How do you do! (formal)


How do you do!

Video link:

How to say goodbye in English!

1/ Bye

2/ Good bye

3/ Bye bye

4/ See ya

See you soon/ later/ on the weekend/ after school/ after meeting/ next Friday

5/ Have a good day/one!

6/ Take care!

7/ Take it easy! (relax)

8/ Catch ya later

9/ Cheers! (bye) especially, in the end of the emails

10/ Good night

11/ Nice to meet you

12/ It’s my pleasure meeting you

It’s my pleasure talking to you

13/ Gotta go

How to respond to 'Thank you'

*You're welcome
*It's my pleasure
*That's all right
*Sure thing

How to respond to 'Sorry'

*No problem
*No worries
*It's okay
*That's fine

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